Sheryl's Pick

Want a Sheryl's pick?

Give us some comments and we'll get you one or two! Use our contact page and join our mailing list at bottom of page. Don't forget to let us know where to send it (all you have to do is provide some comments to us). We also have the pick for sale if you want to pay ... but why do that when you can have it for free?

Two Sheryl's Crush picks - front and back (both with Sheryl's Crush illustration and one with words Sheryl's Crush on it)

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Let us know in a mail your mailing address. We won't use it for anything else than sending you the pick. But, hey, you do have to provide some reactions to our tunes or pages or social media. And we're also giving you a free download for signing up.

Sheryl's Crush

X Marks the Spot!